Monday, April 4, 2011

Cricket... Why we Bleed Blue !!!

Cricket...... Just a game with Ball and Bat with 6 wickets........ Some people call it as a version of Baseball, some call it similar to golf, some call it mix of the baseball and they really know what cricket is ..........

I tried to explain one of my dutch friend about what cricket for us means:

- It is a religion for 1.2 billion people in India
- It is an essay which any Indian kid in a school could write without fear, knowledge and tuition
- It is an encyclopedia whose figures and facts are known to every Indian
- It is a Degree Course which every Indian completes in their Mother's womb
- It is wave which starts from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and Jaisalmer to Assam
- It is an emoticon defaulted for all Indian software and chats
- It is a gossip far crispy than gossip gals and desperate housewives
- It is a passion which drives the nation towards 9% growth annually
- It is something which turns griefs into happiness and Death into lives
- It is something which makes a girl feel jealous as they are deprived of focus from their mate
- It is which makes a scholarly lose his scholarship and a dumb to gains wisdom
- It is Cola with No Ice and Whiskey with a high Price
- It is always a discussion at Tea or Dine, at sea or skyline
- It is for which Sleepless nights and stressful days don't matter
- It is a song with lyrics unknown
- It is a day's meal for the poor and an investment for the rich
- It is life at once and death at none
- It is Mother's blessing and Father's vision
- It is the Blood which flows inside each Indian...... BLUE

I can't explain all what Cricket means to us in our lives.... I could just write that every Indian BLEEDS BLUE !!!!

When cricket is ON in India nothing else could remain ON..... As whole of India comes to a stand-still, Colleges are bunked, Schools deserted, Offices in Canteens, Kitchen in TV rooms...

WE just don't love the game... WE live it !!!

Bleed Blue INDIAN


  1. Superb!!
    Very well written...loved every bit of it :)

  2. Thanks for the feeling about the game, but can you please explain us red-blooded people how the game really works?

  3. Awesome Punit...Luved it..!!!

  4. Deb: Well said Bro....The world will comw to know from your words what Cricket is for every Indian....

  5. Thanks a lot friends... Didn't knew it would turn out well as wrote out of all feelings and the moment ....

  6. And it justifies our bleeding blue when we win the world cup! funny, well writen :)
