Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday evenings are just for yourself

Every Sunday evening I find time for myself, to explore myself, to realize my goals, to relax and rejuvenate. Sunday has always been a day for relaxation and complete all pending tasks at home. I still remember every Sunday evening in Pune was spent watching TV or spending time with buddies, having famous cold coffee and Pao bhaji in Pune...... here in holland its spent in writing blogs, articles, reading news, business magazines, the terrible work of ironing the clothes.....

How important is SUNDAY in everyone's life as it prepares for the next 5-6 days of challenges lined-up. I get the nightmares of Monday morning each Sunday evening :)

Lets Chillax and just have a day for introspection and freedom....

So here I am taking a break from my regular Sunday blogs :)

Have a Nice Sunday !!!

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