Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Life is short !!!

I have been carrying the same perception throughout my life that "Life is short, Live it" and for making sure that I do implement I have been doing all those things which I could never have imagined, I could not dare to do, I could not have even dreamt of, Still I did all those things GOOD or BAD, HAPPY or SAD, Truth or lie.

Living Life is just Investment and spending just an Expenditure.

Life comes with a risk tag associated with it, some pulls that tag away and get on with life but for some that tag remains as virgin bride. I have so many friends who just dare to live at the edge and some just fear. Those who dare are all Happy if not successful coz Happiness is all that counts. Successful is a BIG word...I could never figure out the parameters to judge anyone as successful. My father is a Happy MAN..... Reason????... His success lies in his Children :)

I met a friend 20 days back and he asked me what do you expect from your job?? He gave me options too :-
1) Money
2) Experience
3) Livelihood
4) Everything

I could not answer him from the choices he gave me as I don't really know what I actually expect apart from Happiness, satisfaction......... I just told him a smart answer..... "Your options are very limited and my expectations are far beyond your options, so either expand your options to my level or Stop expecting and start challenging" :)

I face each day a big challenge and I have to deal with that the same day or atleast start preparing myself to face it soon...... Coz if Life is short than challenges make it more exciting.

I never thought of Life as a BIG MISSION......Most people do :)
What sense does it make when you limit yourself to just a Mission ??????

I have my own philosophy's for life, towards life, in life......... JUST LIVE IT !!!!!!!!!

I can say all the shit here...... but the fact for writing the post is..... I need to do something on the edge...but I am scared....... Coz Life is short..... :)

Sky-diving and Bungee Jumping are my next targets but I have a BIG fear for them as LIFE IS SHORT and I don't wanna risk to make it more short :) Damn !!! My Risk taking abilities are sidelining my WISHES!!!!!!!

Life is Short but why miss the Fun and happiness it has stored for you......... Keeping this promise I have to get myself prepared for the 2 :)

I have seen people spending their complete life in doing work and earning money in the HOPE to have a better life ahead which they are NEVER blessed ...... Life is short..... Age turns you OLD and life turns you nuts !!!!

Friends, Really Life is SHORT !!! GET IT or TAKE IT !!!

Cheers !!!
Life is Short